Thank you for attending POWER Chicago on Thursday, June 11.
>  Visit Chicago Program page  
The program was full of rich content on Shared Responsibility and Network Leadership and Sponsorship.
Thank you to our speakers, and lead sponsors, CNA, Baker & McKenzie, ITW and Southwest Airlines.
We developed a POWER library that includes articles and book summaries from our speakers. Please take the time to register for the Gender Economics Lab newsletter, and share the articles and other material with your colleagues.
We look forward to seeing you in June 2016 or at one of our upcoming fall programs:
>  24 September – Shanghai  
>  October 21 – Detroit  
>  November 10 – Dallas  
Powering UP – How America's Women Achievers Become Leaders, by Anne Doyle
Why Women -The Leadership Imperative to Advancing Women and Engaging Men, by Jeffery Tobias Halter
Road to Power: How GM’s Mary Barra Shattered the Glass Ceiling, by Laura Colby
Succeeding Despite the Crash, Burn and Microinequities, by Bonnie Mayfield
Sheryl Sandberg, China & Me, by Jennifer Gilhool
Anne Doyle
Anne Doyle in South Africa with Internation Women's Forum
, Source: POWERING UP! Anne Doyle's Insight on Leadership
Jeffery Tobias Halter
Women in the Workplace: 10 Things Fathers of Daughters Can Do to Advocate For Women
, Source: Huffington Post
Jennifer Gilhool
Unconscious Bias
, Source: Jen Gilhool’s Gender Economics Lab June Newsletter
Top (L-R) Jennifer Gilhool, CEO, Pink Streak Ink & Gender Economics Lab, Jeffery Tobias Halter, Author, Why Women -The Leadership Imperative to Advancing Women and Engaging Men, Regine Corrado, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP, USA POWER Advisor, Kapila Anand, Partner and National Segment Leader for Travel, Leisure and Hospitality, KPMG, Kate Bensen CEO/President, The Chicago Network, Kevin Cook, Chief Operating Officer, Edelman, Anne Doyle, Author, Powering UP - How America's Women Achievers Become Leaders. Bottom (L-R) Bonny Mayfield, Member, Dykema Gossett PLLC, Author, Succeeding Despite the Crash, Burn and Microinequities, Susan Stark, Group President, Food Equipment Group, ITW, Deirdre Joy Smith, Founder & CEO, POWER: Opening Doors for Women, Duffy Lorenz, Corporate & Securities Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP, USA, Agnes Estes, Executive Vice President & Global Client Relationship, Edelman.
>  View all photos from event
Deirdre Joy Smith
Pat Hurston
Michella Goodwin-Garcia
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Baker & McKenzie LLP